Sunday, January 15, 2012


Mary Ann Larkin Featured on ArLiJo / The Golden Globes

Take a break from this extended weekend due to Martin Luther King, Jr., and our society that has decided to honor his life and contributions to our society, and read some poetry.

Here below is a sampling of Mary Ann Larkin's poetry from her most recent book of poetry.

Immigrant Daughter's Song

Gone, the silver-green silk of time
winding down centuries
of custom and kinship,
the pouring of the sea, the stars
on the slate of night, the moon
stamping the spire of the church
on the sand. Time itself changed
to a ticking, a dot on a line.
Customs of grace
and gentleness gone
name-saying and knowing
who begat whom
and when and where
and who could work
and who could sing
and who would pray
and who would not
and where the fish ran
and the wild plums hid
and how the old mothers
fit babies’ hands
to the five-flowered hollows
of blue ladyfingers,
and whose father fought whose
with golden swords
a thousand years ago
at Ballyferriter
on the strand below the church.
Gone from a silken spool unwinding
to rooms of relics and loss
behind whose locked doors
I dream, not daring to wake.

from That Deep & Steady Hum by Mary Ann Larkin (2010, Broadkill River Press). Reprinted by permission. Copyright © 2010 by Mary Ann Larkin.

To read more, click on this link:
Mary Ann Larkin on ArLiJo

The 69th Golden Globes:

And now to the Golden Globes, it seems I might have predicted the winners:

The film The Artist has won both Best Actor, Jean Dujardin, and best Picture: Comedy/Musical.

And The Descendants has just won for Best Picture: Drama and George Clooney won for Best Actor.

Meryl Streep has another win for The Iron Lady. What an incredible career she has had.

Then perhaps my favorite comedy Modern Family has won Best TV Comedy Series.

A good night and to all sweet dreams.

For the complete list, click here:
The Golden Globes

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